Child Development

Whatever nation wants to prosper and grow, it must place a strong emphasis on nurturing the holistic development of young minds. It must be recognized that a solid foundation in early childhood is instrumental in shaping a child’s future.

Preschool Improvement Program: The Case

One of the critical challenges facing our society today is the absence of quality preschool education. Numerous studies, including those conducted by UNDP and Peri Peri, have underscored the profound impact that early childhood education can have on a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.

For example, children who attend high-quality preschool programs are more likely to perform better in school, have stronger social skills, and be more resilient to stress.

Unfortunately, a significant portion of our children lack access to high-quality pre-schooling, which sets them at a disadvantage right from the start.

The lack of access to high-quality preschool education is a significant challenge facing Pakistan. According to a 2021 survey by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, only 20% of children aged 3-5 years attend preschool. This means that a large number of children are starting school at a disadvantage.

The UNDP report highlights the importance of early childhood education for children’s development, stating that “quality early childhood education can help children develop the cognitive, social, and emotional skills they need to succeed in school and in life.”

The Peri Peri report focuses on the impact of early childhood education on poverty reduction, stating that “investment in early childhood education can help break the cycle of poverty and create a more equitable society.”

Both reports emphasize the need for high-quality early childhood education for all children, regardless of their background. They also point to the fact that access to quality early childhood education is a critical factor in shaping a child’s future.



It is important to invest in high-quality early childhood education for all children, regardless of their background. This will help to create a more equitable society and give all children the opportunity to succeed.

The findings of these two reports provide strong evidence that quality preschool education is essential for all children. Unfortunately, as Ataleeq Foundation rightly points out, many children in Pakistan do not have access to high-quality pre-schooling. This is a critical challenge that needs to be addressed.


Preschool Improvement Program

Ataleeq Foundation addresses this issue head-on through its Preschool Improvement Program. By collaborating with schools, educators, and communities, we work towards enhancing the quality of early childhood education. Our multifaceted approach tackles curriculum design, teacher training, infrastructure enhancement, and community involvement, ensuring that children receive the best possible start in their educational journey.


Overview of Fun4Learn Program:

Fun4Learn is a cornerstone initiative by Ataleeq Foundation, designed to make learning a joyful and engaging experience for preschoolers. Rooted in the belief that education should be an adventure, Fun4Learn combines playfulness with purposeful learning. Through interactive activities, age-appropriate curriculum, and a nurturing environment, we foster a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

The Fun 4 Learn Program follows our 8 Ds Theory and specifically focuses on:


Cognitive Development: Through activities that stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and language acquisition.

Social and Emotional Growth: Creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere that nurtures empathy, communication skills, and self-confidence.

Physical Well-being: Encouraging active play, fine and gross motor skill development, and cultivating healthy habits.

Creativity and Expression: Providing opportunities for artistic expression, imagination, and exploration.


With a team of dedicated educators and a curriculum grounded in best practices, Fun4Learn ensures that every child’s early learning journey is filled with excitement, curiosity, and a sense of accomplishment.