Ataleeq’s Projects

Human Development in Ataleeq’s Way

The Ataleeq Foundation has charted a unique path to human development, one that revolves around nurturing individuals across eight domains of holistic development. Our aim is to empower individuals to become architects of positive change in their communities and the nation as a whole.

Reflecting on 8 Domains Holistic Development

Our decade-long research, integrating modern research, Islamic values, and practical life issues, guided us to come up with a unique, as well as internationally standard, and comprehensive model for total child development: the Theory of the 8 Ds of Total Child Development.

Our Fun4Learn Preschool Development Program, Preschool Improvement Program, and all our Tarbiyat and Training Programs are all based on 8D’s Theory, covering the development of a child from head to toe.

The model is carefully designed to cater NEEDS of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT and CHILD DEVELOPMENT – keeping in view of basic HUMAN, ISLAMIC and MODERN characteristics – for Character Building and Competency Development. The domains include:

  1. Spiritual Development
  2. Emotional Development
  3. Social Development
  4. Cognitive Development
  5. Physical Development
  6. Linguistic Development
  7. Life Skills Development
  8. Technological Development

Each domain is further divided into operational concepts to be inculcated into the curriculum, workbooks, activities, and environment for each of the three years of our Preschool Development Program and other programs. The sub-concepts of each domain are also measurable on par with international quality.


Four Areas of Focus

The Ataleeq Foundation is committed to redefining tarbiyat and making it a reality for all Pakistanis. We work in four key areas:

Child Development: We believe that early childhood education is essential for laying the foundation for lifelong learning and development. We provide early childhood education programs to children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Youth development: We believe that youth are the future of Pakistan. We provide youth development programs that help young people develop their skills and talents.

Professional development: We believe that professionals play a vital role in society. We provide professional development programs that help professionals improve their skills and knowledge.

Public Advocacy and Initiatives: We believe that human development is a public responsibility. We provide public awareness programs and initiatives that promote the holistic development of all people.

We believe that by working together, we can create a more prosperous and equitable future for Pakistan.