Redefining Tarbiyat, Redefining Education

Redefining Tarbiyat: Redefining Education and Training


Our approach hinges on redefining “تربیت” (Tarbiyat), reframing it as more than just knowledge transfer. For us, Tarbiyat represents holistic education and training that encompasses intellectual, emotional, moral, physical, and spiritual development.

In the context of 2023, Tarbiyat is more important than ever. The world is changing rapidly, and people need to be able to adapt and learn new things quickly. Tarbiyat can help people develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century.

The Ataleeq Foundation is committed to redefining Tarbiyat and making it accessible to everyone. We believe that Tarbiyat is a public good, and we are working to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to develop their full potential.

Here are some of the ways that the Ataleeq Foundation is redefining tarbiyat:

  • We are using technology to make Tarbiyat more accessible. We are developing online and mobile learning platforms that can reach people all over the country.
  • We are working with communities to create tarbiyat programs that are relevant to their needs. We are also working to train teachers and community leaders to deliver Tarbiyat programs.
  • We are promoting tarbiyat, or human development, as a lifelong process. We believe that tarbiyat should not be limited to childhood or formal education. We are working to create opportunities for people to learn and grow throughout their lives.
  • We are developing a new curriculum for early childhood education that is based on the principles of holistic development.
  • We are working with youth organizations to develop programs that promote emotional, moral, and spiritual development.
  • We are providing professional development programs that help professionals develop their soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.
  • We are working with government and community leaders to promote public development initiatives.